January 2025 Entries
Thursday, 30th January, 2025
I naively hoped the internet would have been fixed overnight. Obviously it wasn’t.
I wanted to setup the server for my friend but I need the internet…also it doesn’t like nvme drives, so I need to get a sata m.2, and the free ram from the hackerspace turned out to be DDR3, where this takes DDR4, so good thing I did order some. It won’t be ready for his birthday but never mind.
The afternoon came, and the first internet support escalation time was up, so I called and it was escalated again…however, 30 minutes later it was fixed. Great, although shouldn’t have taken all that effort. There were a few annoying things without internet, but it was quite refreshing. The kids complained but then 10 seconds later just went and found other things to do. Perhaps a day without internet would be nice, or do I just sound like some annoying parent. I liked it. Someone asked what I did. Don’t really remember what I did.
This Casio watch is a really nice upgrade. Includes a step tracker 🥰 some nice features and the screen seems sharper. Can link to your phone, not sure what happens with it then - other than time sync.
Tomorrow should be a three summit day, and it’s supposed to be still weather and sunny. I always think if I should be doing some other summit when it’s a nice day, although I don’t know which one. All these three are new ones for me, so that’s good. Plus during winter bonus it’s best to do as many as possible that get the bonus, so even though I could get more points tomorrow, over the whole year I’ll get more by doing 3 smaller ones tomorrow. I think there’s still snow on the higher ground anyway, and that slows you down.
I caught up with transactions in Actual Budget the other day and then read the manual. I like the regular budgeting (vs. envelope) as I’m not really budgeting but just comparing in vs out and this is perfect for that. I also like the customisable dashboard. Still not got it to where I want it but it’s pretty good. Press a button, sync transactions, categorise a few that aren’t auto done and then look at the summary. Pretty much what I want.
Next thing to investigate are all these tools on this site and I do need to tidy up my master spreadsheet of everthing.
Wednesday, 29th January, 2025
Our fibre provider had emailed in the week saying there was going to be maintenance on Wednesday morning. I didn’t really pay attention to the email but this morning there was no internet. Sure enough maintenance was last night and I bet it started at 00:15 when the router last reported being accessible.
The fibre termination box has lots of green lights on it though. So not sure why it doesn’t work. I wonder if it’s the router somehow? I have had cabling issues between the fibre box and the router but that seems to be caused by dodgy connections and no one was going anything in the night. Plus it seems quite the coincidence.
I’ve raised a ticket, although probably I should call them. The problem is I’m at work so I can’t do anything physically.
It’s one of my friend’s 40th birthday this weekend and I’ve not been able to think of something to get him. This morning I realised the perfect gift…this Dell Wyse 5070 I’ve bought! He likes computers but he doesn’t have a server. Plus it’s nice and small and low powered. It also makes me feel better about not having yet another computer in the house when I already have a perfectly functional one (in fact several that aren’t in use). So I’ll build it and then post it down to him.
Borrowed a Mac mini M1 from the hacklab but turns out it’s under activation lock (and hence why it’s just sat on a shelf). Naive me thought I could just cmd + R and reinstall macos. Maybe there are work around but nothing simple. Back it goes I guess. Perhaps I should just buy my own M4…(wait didn’t I want to have fewer computers not more? Ah, says my brain, but this would be different as it would run Tinderbox).
Speaking of hacklab. I picked up some donations last night from this guy. Absolutely loads of computer parts - 20+ 2TB hard drives, GPUs, NICs, cables, cases, just loads of random things. He was starting to clear out his house after working as a self employed server builder and sysadmin. He also had a huge (absolutely) huge LEGO collection. Everything was a massive technic build and he had shelf’s all around his lounge, there must’ve been a minimum of 100 models. He hinted at more further back.
Internet has been down all day at home. I’ve been at work so not really impacted, but it’s annoying.
Tuesday, 28th January, 2025
This old blog post is terrible for making me want to buy ewaste…
I won a Dell Wyse 5070 on ebay…submitted an offer on some RAM for it…why was I buying this again?
I won the RAM. Still why? This feels against what I’m trying to do. I want fewer computers not more! 🤪 I do like that it only uses about 3W of power. But I already have a faster, low powered computer that I’m not using…
I know. I just like buying things.
Monday, 27th January, 2025
All this faffing with summits and distance calculations has got me thinking about my computer arrangements.
The server is running proxmox, so that I can run home assistance in a VM easily. Which it is easy. Everything else is difficult. I don’t really know how Proxmox works and using the webUI isn’t always obvious. I think that I’m expecting to do everything on proxmox, when in fact it just looks after VMs and storage (sort of?) and everything else I do on the computer as normal. I don’t like this. I think I just need a regular linux server where I run what I want and that’s that. The only thing is home assitant is better when installed on bare metal or in a vm, and isn’t great when in a container. However…I don’t actually use home assitant for anything. I just collect data but do nothing with it. I don’t have any automations. Since we moved to the EV tariff, our “automations” are fixed on a schedule which I program via an app.
I do wonder if something simplier is what I need? Although HA is simple to use…I sort of what to use NodeRed to do things, as I think it would be useful to learn. Home assistant has a nice phone app though. All I do is look at historical data every so often. I dunno…don’t want to give it up but at the same time seems unnecessary.
I’ve actually considered getting rid of the server altogether, but then plex is nice, and recently the audio book server is handy. Plus I run my private tiddlywiki server from it too.
Mostly I want to build a server with large amounts of RAM (like 512+GB) for this summit computation I’ve been doing in order to avoid chunking it. Then I wanted to run it on NVME so it’s fast but the NVMEs are buried behind proxmox stuff, but I have found the 4TB SSDs I have are in the server, but just not mounted.
Now I’m looking at Dell Wyse 5070 to run proxmox and home assistant on.
Sunday, 26th January, 2025
Weekend has flown by. No time to do anything. Did catch up on my radio blog. Oh and I’ve been computing distances between summits around the world - left the server calculating 12.8 billion combinations…but since updated my formula to account for the non perfect sphere that the Earth is.
I want to make a Lego kit for a friend who’s retiring. I’ve taken an existing model and adjusted it but I only thought of this plan after I ordered all the parts and now I want to change it.
We have one plant in the kitchen and the kittens absolutely destroy it and fight in the plant pot so soil goes everywhere. 😅 I don’t even know how they manage to do it.
My friend who has been playing factorio for about 8 weeks straight has made a new map that we’re joining in with. Including buying a £30 DLC. Except I don’t really like it. He’s so far ahead he just rushes all of it and I have no idea what’s going on. I can’t be bothered to figure out what to do. So I don’t really want to play.
I was thinking about converting the server to another gaming computer. As it just needs a GPU then it would be ready. Then use the previous server as the server again. Although not sure we need another gaming computer. The laptop is fine…not the greatest but Minecraft still works on it. Maybe for the occasional time I want to play something and someone is using the main computer. But when do I ever play games…
Friday, 24th January, 2025
The wind / storm has shut all the schools, so everyone is home today. It certainly is whistling and howling outside.
Makes me think that if I did have any antenna up in the garden, I’d need to be able to take it down on occasions. Which when I was thinking about poles mounted to the side of the house, that’s not always practical.
Whilst we’re all at home today, my wife wanted to do some lesson prep that she would’ve normally done at school on a Friday, and so she was using the main computer. I was on the other computer - the laptop with monitor etc. that I quite like in the corner and with the new/old surface keyboard. Anyway, it didn’t have logseq on it to look at my work notes and so I installed it. However, as I had to visit the logseq site I got sucked into “I wonder what new features or guides they have” and now I’m into “The Power of keeping a learning log” and spaced repetition and YouTube productivity top hits. I just need to write notes in a file that I can find later. I should close all these tabs.
Also Logseq to Hugo to HTML…
Thursday, 23rd January, 2025
Had a nice hike yesterday with Fraser. Worked a half day, and will work the other half tomorrow. Given there’s a storm coming I’ll be fine staying in. Interesting, as there was zero wind on the summit for us.
De-risk when you have enough. You will give up return, but you will sleep easier.
I often wonder about overpaying the mortgage and paying it off sooner vs. not. The spreadsheet says it’s financially better to not pay it off sooner, but there’s a big emotional benefit and sense of security from paying it off. Perhaps we should…
I should make the GM/ES club site and finish off those two little web apps I made. I’ve debated about trying to migrate them to javascript or maybe running my own server of sorts to make them run but I don’t think anyone cares if I left them as streamlit apps and embed them in an iframe. Perhaps once they’re done I can look to redo them (but I won’t) with something else. Like vue.js … 🤢 Yeah, never going to happen…too many other things to think about and not do.
I should install Linux on the laptop that only I use. The fan is spinning so loudly on it and it’s cooking my leg, why? Because windows file indexer is running. Whereas I know updatedb
on linux takes about 10 seconds max.
After the hike, Fraser invited me back to his house for lunch. He lives in this lovely wee cottage in a village in the sticks. The house is small, nothing wrong with it, but I just noticed it. However, there is only two of them and the cat, so it’s perfectly sized. We had a lovely lunch and then came into the lounge, where the log burner was on and the cat was all sleepy. I became sleepy too. Things I noticed included: no TV, only a record player with a big shelf of records, nice art work of the cairngorms, a shelf of whisky, a kettle on the burner, loads of books. It was lovely. He also has about 5 land rovers of various types in the drive. They do have a TV, it’s just in a little bothy in the garden in a cosy room. I also think his only computer is a raspberry pi which he sometimes uses for digital modes on the radio. Maybe he has a tablet or laptop somewhere but possibly not, and just uses his phone.
I wanted to take some photos but that would’ve been a bit weird. I really want to clear out some of the radio junk I’ve accumulated, but it involves doing stuff before selling it and I haven’t managed to motivate myself to do that. Also because I should really buy a 2m power meter to check the stuff is working before selling it. a) I’ll get more for it and b) it feels wrong to sell it otherwise (even though I bought it without knowing if it works). Perhaps I should do some of the easy things first, like sell the regular radio…although is that a good idea? I suppose listing it can’t hurt and if no-one buys it then so what.
Unsurprisingly, I already have a list of things I want to get once I sell those. Mostly for SOTA radioing so they’ll get used. Also the other portable radio I want to get would work as a home station radio up to 100W. Maybe not as good as the one I have but I won’t notice (as I never use it anyway) but also not sure what I’d really be doing at home other than chasing locals on 40m. I do also think I’d rather have a remotely operated station but no interest in it now, however, having a 100W radio is handy. Oh yes, so many reasons why I need to buy another radio…
Trying to decide what to do on my half day off tomorrow…I should do some antenna work or junk clear up etc.
Tuesday, 21st January, 2025
My friend must’ve played about 400 hours of Factorio since v2.0 came out at the start of December, and he’s still playing the same map. Tempted to play it…
I’m not sure on the camera thing but I do think I could sell some lenses that I never, ever use. Like the 18mm f/2. Quoted as “the hidden gem”. Yeh, hidden in a box and never used. I’m not sure. I just don’t use the camera or find it interesting, maybe it’s time for a change. Like how I went from the X100F to XT2 to XE4…now back to X100VI? GR3x? iPhone… Film (no, too much like hard work). Or just do nothing and leave the camera and lenses as is.
Yesterday two people messaged me within about 30 minutes of each other saying they’re thinking about a Mac mini M4. Now I’m thinking about one. If I went all in with iPhone only digital, I think I’d want iPhotos on the desktop to manage the photos - or at least export copies to jpg folders etc. I can probably do that on the phone too.
That is something I’m not sure about, managing photos all just in iPhotos as one big stream, but I suppose that’s just as I’m used to saving in folders. Of course there’s making albums etc. to organise.
Mortgage will be due for renewal this year, it’s funny to think that the last time we did it was pre COVID. Also last time interest rates were much lower. Not sure what we should do, keep the term the same and pay more, push it out to pay the same each month (but pay more overall). Technically pushing out the mortgage for as long as possible is the best thing to do. Howevr, I feel like there’s a lot of uncertainity these days (although probably there always was?) and paying it sooner is better.
I should pack my stuff ready for a hill tomorrow. Have to do swimming drop off then go, it’s a bike and hike, which I like but it does mean more faff with stuff, vs. just rocking up and walking. The guy I’m going with will be retiring in about a month. He’s early 50s. Good work I say, that’s my target - although that’ll peak university years for the kids and so maybe it makes sense for me to keep working and pay their fees etc. as it’s easy for me to do that and why burden them unnecessarily. I’ve changed role at my company about once every 2-3 years but I feel like I’m getting into the “this is your job for the next 10” phase. Which in someways I don’t mind. The team is nice, and there’s no drama, it should be a reasonably secure role. There are older guys in the team who have been doing it 10+ years. I just wonder if I’d get bored though. Anyway, worry about that later.
The kitties are so tiny, crazy and cuddly. 🐾
Monday, 20th January, 2025
I did sit and play DS last night with the kittens. They slept on me for about 2 hours so I couldn’t move anyway 😅.
The wedding photos from a family member taken on their iPhone have been haunting me. They’re like the ideal memories of the day: they look great, no lighting issues, no noticeable noise, nice colours, plus everyone is looking and smiling, good groups, and there are only about 10.
Now my photos I took on the XE4 with the 23mm f/1.4…I’ve deleted the obvious junk but it’s still 100 or something, lots of groups but no one is looking (which I do like, not always a big fan of the staged group smiling ones but equally I like them too or want them for “Granny”.) I mostly ended up with B&W as I don’t like my colour profiles on the camera. More suited to outdoors or bright light. Also helped avoid high iso noise on colour. They’re now on the computer and everyone is asking if I can share them. Do I edited them all in Lightroom, do I send them the files, do I add to iCloud family sharing group we have, do I make a website,….
This is also aside from the fact I had to carry it around, pay attention to where I left it, pack another bag with two lenses (could’ve taken more but decided against it). Remembering to charge it. Etc.
So I’ve started wondering, what if I sold my cameras and just used an iPhone for digital photos? I’d keep my Leica M2 for film and manual photography.
It feels wrong but offers a lot of convenience
Sunday, 19th January, 2025
I wanted to play the Pokemon rom hack on my DS. Spent ages and it won’t work. Tried DSi and same thing. Found there’s a newer version of an emulator that might run on the hardware. Downloaded the build tool chain, setup a whole load of stuff, but it didn’t build because versions of blah blah blah. So I tried on my 3DS. Worked straight away after installing the software. Runs natively and works great. Just doesn’t have the nostalgia of my original DS. It’s all because it’s based upon Emerald, which is a bigger game and causes all sorts of issues.
I don’t know why I bother. I’ll probably quit it after 10 mins.
I was looking in the game cartridge holder and saw how many Pokemon games I have for 3DS and Switch that I’ve never played. Don’t think I’ve played one since the DS back in 2013 but bought every game since. Perhaps I should play one…also not going to happen. I did see Pokemon Z-A Legends is due this year. Probably buy it. Switch 2 also.
Saturday, 18th January, 2025
After my big hike on Wednesday I’ve kept meaning to adjust the data screens in my watch. Finally got round to it just now and I found I can edit them on my phone - which is 100x easier than doing it on the watch. People make their own ones and upload to the store. One I looked at used python to do stuff. I wondered about making one although not sure what I want.
Trying to find a way to add the streamlit apps to my radio blog. I can embed them with an iframe but the streamlit apps go to sleep and seems you have to visit the site to wake them properly. There is some implementation of python in WASM (web assembly something or other) but so far not got that to work. Admittedly haven’t spent very long on it.
The actual answer is convert it to JavaScript but I really don’t want to.
Sometime later… asked chatgpt to convert the python script to javascript and tried to integrate it into the quarto site…still doesn’t work and I don’t know why. Probably trying to do too many things at once. Like I’m not even sure exactly how to add javascript and html to quarto. I should just be entering html and pandoc (which builds the site behind the scenes) will see it and just integrate it regardless. Also not sure the JS works either.
Friday, 17th January, 2025
We got two kittens today! 🐈🐈⬛ They are tiny and crazy! No one can agree on names, so we’ll have to see how it goes. I picked them up this afternoon and was at home with them before everyone else got home. They fell asleep on me and then I started to nod off.
Went back to a hill today for radio that was the first one I did last year. Was a nice day, and much better visibility than last time! It was my 60th activation.
New Nintendo Switch teasers today. Looks nice.
I have a couple of custom Pokemon games that people have made. Supposedly making the story better and adding new mechanics and all sorts. Quite a community around it once you look into it. Would be good to replay some of the classics but revamped. When I’m going to be doing this I don’t know. Maybe I should set it up on the DS and then I can sit in the kitchen playing it with the kittens this evening.
One is asleep on me and the other has climbed into a drawer of tea towels by going under the chest of drawers and climbing up on the inside!
I bought the Garmin watch for the mapping but I’m now getting interested in what it tells me about everyday health. It picked up when I dozed off on the couch whilst the kittens were sleeping on me and it said I was stressed between 8:00 and 8:52 - ie when I was getting the kids ready for school and making sure I was ready for radio trip and picking up cats. I was rushing about the house packing things and looking for stuff. I’m sure the Apple Watch would do the same. It says I need more sleep and it’s right. Let’s see if I actually go to bed earlier tonight.
I remembered Apple now let emulators on iOS, so I installed retroarch and started the custom Pokémon game. It’s fine…early Pokemon is a chore but maybe all Pokemon is a chore. I should look up what this version has so I know why I’m playing it. Else I might as well just read a book. I have some physical ones I’ve not read, as I generally read in bed with the kindle, so maybe I should crack those out.
Wednesday, 15th January, 2025
Took daughter to 6:30am swim training then went out for SOTA summits. Did four today…feel a bit tired now. 😅
Just started looking at Garmin badges, points and challenges…obviously I now want to level up and started looking at what needs to be done. Like 10k steps per day and walking and so on, but mostly I have to record activities on my watch. Unfortunately, it’s mostly geared towards running and cycling. I do cycle to work but nothing significant, but I don’t do running. There aren’t many things for hiking though.
I messed about with my watch yesterday so it was ready for today and I told myself I’d catch up on work things this evening…yeh well that’s not going to happen…well easy stuff I’ve done but the boring part I keep putting off…
I’ve successfully linked our main credit card to actualbudget. Now I need to setup categories but then I should be laughing…
Tuesday, 14th January, 2025
Turns out there was almost no coolant in the expansion pot, and it was well below minimum. So picked up some more from the dealer and now we’ll see what happens. Hopefully it’s all good and we just ignore how it disappeared, but if it does leak then I’ll know there’s an issue to sort out and book it into the garage. Glad I checked myself and didn’t just take it into the garage - take all that time just for them to top it up. The coolant was only £8. I bought two in case there is a leak and I need to top up. I also took a photo of the level to compare.
It’s bright pink, so I’d have thought if it was leaking I’d see it. Especially with all the snow, but maybe it’s been gone a while? or it’s a slow leak somewhere.
The snow has now all gone, just a few patches of deadly ice about, particularly on pavements.
Wrote up my week’s summary of last week’s work. Was one line. It is meant to be highlights, and when I roll up the year, the less I’ve written the easier it is.
I look around at things in the house and some of them are quick/cheap solutions at the time and we just live with them. I wonder if it would be better to spend some money to “do it properly” otherwise it’ll be like this for 10 years. Like some of the shelves in the garage, or the hat stand.
The problem with working at home is that all the home todos seem much more important and interesting to do!
Finally spent some time sorting out my Garmin watch and the various Garmin apps. It’s not that complex but it’s not always obvious. Luckily I have a friend who has one and has told me the best practices.
The downside of Garmin vs. Apple is that there’s not a unified way of doing stuff…even though Garmin control everything, like Apple, they seem to have different departments solving the same problem differently. Right now I’m trying to figure out the best way to manage all my GPX files of routes. Ideally I want them in one place, organised, somehow, to make them easier to find, and then they can sync to my watch and my Inreach device for when I go on a trip. Watch will be my main navigational aid but the inreach as a back up, and broadcasting my location when I’m in a very remote place. There seems to be two options explore.garmin.com and connect.garmin.com. Explore comes from the GPS device world and Connect from the fitness/trainer side, but they overlap. I think I’ll have to keep everything in Explore so that it shows up on the inreach but it’s not clear. Also the explore.garmin.com website is slow as anything. If it comes to it, I’ll maintain the routes in both places but I worry that’ll cause chaos.
Got a 40 minute video to watch on this which I hope will explain things…or at least point me in the right direction.
The custom maps I’ve bought (for £13) are awesome though. 🗺️
Monday, 13th January, 2025
I used ChatGPT to make a new Streamlit app which calculates how long until a SOTA activator reaches Mountain Goat (1,000 points). Either by entering what you do on average each week or conversly by entering a date you want to achieve it by. I quite like it and it hardly took any time at all! I did need to correct things either myself or telling ChatGPT to do so, but it was great fun.
You can see the app here. Try a random activator, like HB9GFQ, and see how it works.
I enjoy this combination of streamlit, python and ChatGPT. I can understand what gets written in python, it saves me so much time, and it’s super easy to deploy and not worry about. I need to go back and finish that other one I made last week but keep getting hung up about how I’m going to integrate it into the club website. Which means I just sit and think about it but achieve nothing. Given about 3 people are interested in it, including me, it probably doesn’t matter if I just embed the app on the website. Which is a perfectly allowable thing to do, and they tell you how to format the html etc. I should just get on with it and be done, else it’ll never happen.
Been on the second workstation in the office this evening, as wife was on the main computer. I do enjoy this setup. The “new” surfae keyboard, the Dell 27” monitor and the laptop to one side. I do think it’s the cosiness of it, where I’m against the wall, there’s shevling above the monitor with books, and trinkets and random stuff on them. A nice area. and I’m not even bothered that it’s on the computer! Makes me wonder if this should be the mac station. Although Linux would be superior 🥸, however, Windows works fine and I can do what I need, so whatever 🤷
A warning light on the car keeps coming on, the internet says it might just be the probes in the coolant. I did think it was the cold weather causing issues and when the car warmed up, I’d “turn it off and on” and that would fix the issue. But it did it today and it wasn’t as cold. I don’t really have time this week to take it into the garage and I’d like to use it to go out on Wednesday, and pick up the cats on Friday. So hopefully it is nothing much, certainly on our 2-3 hour drive yesterday it didn’t go above 90 degC, which is the target, so all good? Perhaps I’ll call and get it booked in on a day…Monday? If I knew it could be ready by say 2 pm then it would be find to do most days but if it’s not ready until 4pm then it’s a hassle to go and get it once the kids are out of school and whatever everyone has to do. I’ll check the level tomorrow morning when it’s light and maybe I’ll see if the probes have corrosion? I don’t really want to dismantle too many things as I don’t know what I’m doing.
There’s a subreddit about smart ChatGPT prompts. I can’t remember the exactly subreddit name, it keeps getting suggested to me, and I’ve opened a few posts now so I guess I’ll keep seeing it. But it’s all about how people craft prompts to get the most out of it. Things like making ChatGPT a personal trainer, or a therapist, or how to learn new things, just all sorts. People write very detailed instructions on how they use it, plus keep conversation histories or building stuff up over time. Even writing their daily journal into it and then asking for feedback or whatever. It’s like they’re making their own apps using it. I find it interesting.
Of course, it could all be AI generated posts in that subreddit to make you use ChatGPT more and try and get you to sign up to the Pro version.
People have even made ChatGPT helper views(?) to ask it about finding prompts. If you need more meta.
Sunday, 12th January, 2025
Back from the wedding. It’s fun but always a lot of hanging around, and the kids get restless. I get restless. The best part is the ceilidh dancing but you have to wait ages. All good and the kids managed mostly to the end of the night.
Called in on some friends who lived nearby. They live in a flat in an old house. It’s quite a crazy building but that suits them. He’s a wild bird tour guide in Kyrgyzstan…of all things. I’m not sure what people pay for this but he said when he has a client he’ll fly back out there for the tour. They had a lot of bird books.
They also had a book on Russian tattoos, which the little one managed to pick off the shelf of loads of books and started flicking through. It’s lots of pictures of people and their tattoos and the photos have progressively fewer clothes. Much amusement was had, although I was then warned it got worse, so the book was hid again.
They also didn’t have a TV. Maybe that’s why they seem to know about everything and can talk about it. She was setting up a mesh network in Inverness but also in Iran. Think they met when they were both doing a cycling “holiday” across Kyrgyzstan. After the wedding of lots of people, some I knew forever and some I’ve never met, I talked to this couple more in the hour we were visiting than the whole day event.
Went to see kittens. They’re so tiny. We’re going to get two! 🐈🐈⬛
I found that actual budget can sync with my bank, or one at least, and so then I can keep categorised transactions with less fuss? Need to get the credit card on it, else they’ll still be work. I’m guessing once I’ve categorised a few then it’ll know what things are going forward.
I can’t decide about DayOne. I should do it, and I’m sure 10+ years future me will appreciate it, but is it something I should skip? I take photos still at events, which act as a memory. Although fewer than I used to.
Well I did this weekend. Just short and maybe a picture. Didn’t take that long, as it never does. I think anything I add is better than nothing so I should just try.
Thursday, 9th January, 2025
Gave up on anything involving JavaScript, and just used Streamlit which lets you do everything in python. I did the whole site in a couple of hours in the evening. There is one mistake I need to investigate but that’s it. So easy. Downside is it needs a server to run, or streamlit’s service. You can embed it on a site so I’ll probably do that. Tbh it has such a tiny user base who’s interested I don’t really care that it’s not the perfect thing.
It sort of makes me think that I should learn JavaScript as then there are lots of nice frameworks for making static sites but with lots of dynamic ability. I’ll put that on the todo list.
Pushed through and categorised the remaining few months of financial transactions so I could complete the year. Painful. Going to try a simpler method but I do quite like the detail it does offer me. Just high level like groceries and holidays etc. just to see where money went. I fall down the trap of plaintext accounting for a bit too but I don’t want that. I might dig out actual budget that I installed and try it again as it is January, then extract the results into my google sheets. It all still boils down to: “don’t buy crap”.
Today I bought a new pair of walking boots. But I went in store and got my feet measured. Bought the pair I’d mostly decided upon already. From a good company. They will need breaking in…
Going to look at some kittens tomorrow. Would like to go for a hike as it’ll be brilliant sunshine but also snow on the ground. Not sure I have time as I have to take in-laws to airport to pick up a hire car and then go see the kittens, plus we’re driving straight after school is out for wedding this weekend. Not been hiking in two weeks and I’m getting antsy!
Tuesday, 7th January, 2025
Watch arrived today. It’s good, not as big as I thought and the screen is lovely. Says 15 days battery and it’s 80%! So many menus and options and features though. Going to take a while to figure out. It’s not Apple intuitive but it’s not bad and mostly consistent.
Setup a club callsign for our local SOTA summit group. Also been making an awards scheme for activating in the Cairngorms. Trying to make stuff with Quarto and ObservableJS. The JS part is a nightmare and can’t get it to do what I want. ChatGPT generates code but it always throws errors. I think it’s because it’s ojs in Quarto and things maybe need to be in object literals or something. It doesn’t help I know nothing about JavaScript. I just know that the python script to download the data and process it worked first time.
Going to redo it all but with python. I’m worried it will only get me so far though and the interactivity won’t work unless I do it in JavaScript…which means back to JS.
Just added a book to my book list, and realised I’m now into my 10th year of tracking books I’ve read on the list. Seems quite a duration. I did fall off the wagon in 2019 but soon got back on.
Monday, 6th January, 2025
It was meant to snow or rain a lot overnight but I can’t tell if it did anything. Been talking to the kids about going back to school but I also have to go back to work this morning!
That radio guy who passed away used to look after the club website. I wonder if someone knows how to access it all and do things? Perhaps I should offer help, just on the admin side. It’s Wordpress, so can’t be too bad, although I think there are a lot of plugins and extras. Maybe I’m not the right person as I’ll want to make it a static site edited via git pull requests 😅 I did note in the annual meeting that I thought they spent quite a lot of hosting. I can never go to the meetings, as they clash with kids stuff, but also they’re a little boring. I just don’t have time to commit to it.
Sunday, 5th January, 2025
Today is the last day of the holidays, and the day to take down all the Christmas decorations. Feels a bit miserable, plus the idea of going to work is dull. Although it’ll mostly just be chatting with everyone about their holidays and not doing very much 😅. I should do some setup stuff like reset trackers and notes in prep for 2025.
I thought about tidying up logseq files. Stuff from 2022 and even 2023 probably aren’t relevant anymore. My job has changed a bit and where I had multiple pages for certain projects or scopes I’m now pretty much focused on one thing. So do I break that up into smaller pages? I like that it’s all on one page and I just expand sections. I find it quicker to find something that way as I don’t always know what to search for, but I usually know when I was.
So I’ll just leave it. That was easy.
Dusted off my web radio log book. Nginx had broken and it needed updating. It’s all back in order now. ChatGPT fixed nginx and urls which was nice. I use wavelog and for SOTA summits, you’re meant to make a new location entry for each one and then add the log to that. But it’s such a hassle to do that, plus you end up with so many stations, it’s a mess. So I think I’m going to consolidate down to two log locations - home and portable. It does mean that there’s nowhere convenient to capture my summit. Makes me want to make my own log book but never mind. I can use the official database to look at them, or the app on my phone, or the raw adi files. I think I’ll also move a copy to my blog to keep with the activation so it’s all together. Maybe in time I’ll figure out some system for the static blog generator to use the files and add a map or something to the end of the report.
I don’t want to but I might subscribe to QRZ’s xml API. This the lets you lookup peoples info in log books and automatically upload there. Would be nice to have my logbook get the right locators automatically. I’m just not sure I want to pay for this when it should be freely accessible, plus I feel like QRZ.com is a rip off but amateur radio people are stubborn, and won’t move to another platform.
But do I really care about others people’s locators and log books? I flip back and forth between not going to log to capture every minute detail and catalogue it perfectly.
Saturday, 4th January, 2025
Can’t believe the holidays are effectively over. Just this weekend then back to the school/work routine.
I said I wanted to get rid of things everyday, well yesterday was rubbish from eldest’s room. I’m not counting rubbish/recycling all the time as I seem to constantly have to empty the house bins. Although I have noticed that the black, for landfill, bin can last around 5 days before emptying, which is good. The recycling is never ending though. I just hope it all actually gets recycled, although perhaps it goes to the incinerator and at least some energy gets generated from it. Well, the eldest’s room needs a good sort out and clean out, and my wife did that. I was then left with removing the unwanted.
I’ve returned to thinking about selling my big radio. I think if and when I want a home station, I want it to be remote, so I can use it wherever - even from my phone at work. Although the antenna situation is always a pain. However, I’m not sure I’m going to use the radio. That part of the garage is prime for tidying. There are a couple of items that need investigating and probably selling as well.
The local radio club got an email saying a member had passed away. I didn’t think he was that old, and seemed one of the more active (physically) members, although I don’t know the situation. Anyway, this Thursday will be the first “junk sale” of the month and all his equipment has been donated. He has a few VHF radios and accessories that I would like. They are all mode and it would be good to take them up a hill to do some 2m SSB. Of course, I already have a radio that can do 2m SSB…and no doubt much better, being a modern rig, so why do I need it? I think one would be nice…? Normally I can’t go to the club meeting as it clashes with kids swim training, but relatives will be staying so I could go. I would like the 25W amp he has, although depends if it’s massive or not. A guy who was here in December that I met at the foot of a hill, was using a 25W amp and made a 2m SSB contact into Devon around 400 mile away!
It’s funny that before writing this I was considering seeing if I could win both the 2m radios, but now I’m wondering if I need any? They’d fetch a high price on ebay, and really if no-one in the club really wants it, or they get stupid offers like £20, then they should sell them on ebay, or at least the ham radio marketplaces online. Of course, I’d like to buy it for £20. His profile page lists a lot of radios he has. The older “boat anchours” as also appealing from a historical perspective. The good thing with his, is that he refurbished them himself and you know they’re in very good working order - with new capacitors and electrical sound.
The Kenwood TR-751E, does 25W out on all modes. That would be ideal, although it weighs 2.2 kg. That and the FT-290 would be the only ones I’d want. But maybe I just need the 25 W amp, and perhaps I should look for a modern one online….should such a thing exist…
I then remembered I was looking at a FT-857d. Which does 50W on 2m, 100W on HF, and does all modes and is also 2.1kg. This seems like a better option than an ancient radio that weighs the same/more. Just doesn’t have that retro look 😅
I realised that my post URL scheme doesn’t like two entries on the same day. Which only matters when I write “an article”, so for now I’m going to manually define the page URL. Probably better as that way I can make it fit.
Friday, 3rd January, 2025
Further snow in the night. Probably not going to go hill walking, which I’m a bit disappointed at but I got the impression it wasn’t the socially acceptable thing to be doing 😅 also access to the start of the walk will be tricky. There are only a few from main roads or towns, most are down some tiny track. Need that Land Rover!
I want to try and make a schedule of the year for hills. To see if I’m at risk of running out of local hills or not wanting to use up the nearby ones too quickly and to see what points total I might get this year.
Supposedly, and unsurprisingly, the default maps on the garmin watch aren’t that great. You can pay a fortune to garmin for better ones or you can download your own. This is of course a while world of custom maps. Everything is based off openstreetmap (OSM) but then people change colours or include or exclude information. I’ve found a couple that I think seem good. One is free and the other you pay for. I suspect the paid for one will be better. All this map tinkering has me excited for the watch. The only thing is I know it’s complicated to control and has many menus and options and so I’ll need to spend some time to figure it out.
Thursday, 2nd January, 2025
Woke up to a fair amount of snow today. Went sledging on the hill nearby with the kids. Was a moment of glorious sun but now it’s grey and snowing again.
The SOTA group chat has several people down in England having a lovely day up summits. It’s hard not to be jealous. I was hoping to go out tomorrow but think my wife is going to postpone her shopping trip from today to tomorrow. We’ll see.
I have to remind myself that the hill will still be there, there are other days and there’s no rush. In fact I don’t want to rush to 1,000 points as I suspect I’ll lose interest.
I’ve been wearing my Casio on the other wrist. Maybe I’ll wear two watches? Until the first person sees and asks wtf am I doing. It’s been interesting trying it at least. Feels very strange after wearing my watch in my left wrist forever.
My excuse will be that the Casio is two days slow.
Wednesday, 1st January, 2025
Vacuumed the upstairs and the office. Sorted out my wardrobe and got rid of a bin bag of stuff. Very satisfying. I also sold something on Vinted.
I like the articles thing but I don’t think yesterday’s article was really worth calling out. It would be better within the day. I might refine the page for later, just keep it concise to the aims of 2025 and not the thought process.
I’m not sure what to make of this, but I ordered a Garmin Epix Gen 2. Annoyingly I missed a 10% promo, but it was still a very good price. A SOTA radio friend told me a lot about his Garmin watch and how he uses it all the time and how it’s great for summits to follow the route with GPS. That’s what I wanted, and this one has the AMOLED screen but still a week’s battery with always on display or over two weeks with gesture, which is way more than I need but much better than an Apple Watch. Sometimes when I buy something at midnight, there’s a high probability of regret.
However, I think I’ll like this one more than the other that I returned, as it does have a nice screen and can do topographic maps. I don’t need to wear it everyday, but it will be nice for walks. Particularly as I do want to do some longer hikes this year, perhaps even camping overnight. So I’m torn between is it “buying crap?” or is it “enabling of goals”. You know what I should do? Not care how to categorise it, and think “I got that GPS watch I wanted at a great price, good job, now what’s next to do?”.
Also added Pagefind to the archives page. It’s built with Vercel automagically. It’s funny as I forgot I was using Vercel and started configuring it for Github actions, only to find out I don’t have any actions! Think I need to look up the how to not include the home page in the results as that’s not useful, or it’s just duplication.
2025 Plans
After some ramblings, I’ve condensed it into three areas:
1. Eliminate Distractions
Stop wasting time on pointless activities like aimlessly browsing YouTube or overthinking tools and platforms. Be intentional with computer usage.
2. Reduce and Simplify
Get rid of unused items — sell, donate, or discard them. Simplify my physical and digital spaces to focus on what truly matters.
3. Streamline Decisions
Avoid overcomplication. Question my motives, and focus on what makes me happy.