Wednesday, 29th January, 2025
Our fibre provider had emailed in the week saying there was going to be maintenance on Wednesday morning. I didn’t really pay attention to the email but this morning there was no internet. Sure enough maintenance was last night and I bet it started at 00:15 when the router last reported being accessible.
The fibre termination box has lots of green lights on it though. So not sure why it doesn’t work. I wonder if it’s the router somehow? I have had cabling issues between the fibre box and the router but that seems to be caused by dodgy connections and no one was going anything in the night. Plus it seems quite the coincidence.
I’ve raised a ticket, although probably I should call them. The problem is I’m at work so I can’t do anything physically.
It’s one of my friend’s 40th birthday this weekend and I’ve not been able to think of something to get him. This morning I realised the perfect gift…this Dell Wyse 5070 I’ve bought! He likes computers but he doesn’t have a server. Plus it’s nice and small and low powered. It also makes me feel better about not having yet another computer in the house when I already have a perfectly functional one (in fact several that aren’t in use). So I’ll build it and then post it down to him.
Borrowed a Mac mini M1 from the hacklab but turns out it’s under activation lock (and hence why it’s just sat on a shelf). Naive me thought I could just cmd + R and reinstall macos. Maybe there are work around but nothing simple. Back it goes I guess. Perhaps I should just buy my own M4…(wait didn’t I want to have fewer computers not more? Ah, says my brain, but this would be different as it would run Tinderbox).
Speaking of hacklab. I picked up some donations last night from this guy. Absolutely loads of computer parts - 20+ 2TB hard drives, GPUs, NICs, cables, cases, just loads of random things. He was starting to clear out his house after working as a self employed server builder and sysadmin. He also had a huge (absolutely) huge LEGO collection. Everything was a massive technic build and he had shelf’s all around his lounge, there must’ve been a minimum of 100 models. He hinted at more further back.
Internet has been down all day at home. I’ve been at work so not really impacted, but it’s annoying.