Friday, 24th January, 2025
The wind / storm has shut all the schools, so everyone is home today. It certainly is whistling and howling outside.
Makes me think that if I did have any antenna up in the garden, I’d need to be able to take it down on occasions. Which when I was thinking about poles mounted to the side of the house, that’s not always practical.
Whilst we’re all at home today, my wife wanted to do some lesson prep that she would’ve normally done at school on a Friday, and so she was using the main computer. I was on the other computer - the laptop with monitor etc. that I quite like in the corner and with the new/old surface keyboard. Anyway, it didn’t have logseq on it to look at my work notes and so I installed it. However, as I had to visit the logseq site I got sucked into “I wonder what new features or guides they have” and now I’m into “The Power of keeping a learning log” and spaced repetition and YouTube productivity top hits. I just need to write notes in a file that I can find later. I should close all these tabs.