Monday, 2nd May, 2022
Fixed a bunch of things on this site this morning. The next big thing I want to do is change the archives page. Think I want monthly archive pages where it has the whole content on the page. e.g. a 2022/May/ page with the full post content listed. I think a link to each page isn’t useful as there’s so much clicking. Seems like you can’t do what I want out of the box with jekyll but this plugin can probably do it all. Unless I add a search page…I might make a secret search page… 🔎👀
The only other thing I’ve been thinking about is randomising the little pokemon gifs at the bottom of each day. I’ve a whole host of them ready but debating between random on build or random on visit. Random on visit would be via javascript, that makes it more ‘fun’ but unnecessary javascript. Random on build is maybe not bad as I’ll update it most days, although could add to the build time? Currently running on vercel and it caches everything so after the first one taking a long time, now it’s pretty much instant once I push the updates.
Bank holiday here in the UK, but work only enforces three holidays in the year - Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day - the rest we get as flexible, so that means I’m at work.
Time to flip the switch and push this out!
My goodness the archives was a bit of a challenge. The jekyll-archives plugin only makes the pages for me, the layout was for me to figure out. Which is obvious in retrospect but I just assumed I could install the plugin and it was all done as if by magic 🧙♂️. With various for-loops and group-bys I managed to make what I think is a more useful archive arrangement. There are actually whole year archive pages, e.g. this one, where every post will be listed, but they’re not linked anywhere just yet. Might change it, or remove them or just leave as other hidden pages.
What else? I could import all my old posts from the last time I did a static site for this and from tiddlywiki. I’ll see how it goes for the next few days before doing that though.
I figured out how to setup a GPU miner for Dark Forest and I’m now exploring the map at about 50x faster. After losing my good planets to someone else I’ve since discovered that a level 9 planet is right next to where I was. This is the highest level planet in the game and this person is going to get it 😢. I have found a nice spot with some more planets that I can claim, they’re a little far away so it’s going to be slow going but hopefully I can get established and fortify myself a little. It’s interesting that you don’t actually get any points for capturing someone else’s planet. So it sort of doesn’t matter, but to expand further and find silver or artifacts to prospect etc., it helps to have a big planet resource base in which to have a lot of energy.