Sunday, 12th January, 2025
Back from the wedding. It’s fun but always a lot of hanging around, and the kids get restless. I get restless. The best part is the ceilidh dancing but you have to wait ages. All good and the kids managed mostly to the end of the night.
Called in on some friends who lived nearby. They live in a flat in an old house. It’s quite a crazy building but that suits them. He’s a wild bird tour guide in Kyrgyzstan…of all things. I’m not sure what people pay for this but he said when he has a client he’ll fly back out there for the tour. They had a lot of bird books.
They also had a book on Russian tattoos, which the little one managed to pick off the shelf of loads of books and started flicking through. It’s lots of pictures of people and their tattoos and the photos have progressively fewer clothes. Much amusement was had, although I was then warned it got worse, so the book was hid again.
They also didn’t have a TV. Maybe that’s why they seem to know about everything and can talk about it. She was setting up a mesh network in Inverness but also in Iran. Think they met when they were both doing a cycling “holiday” across Kyrgyzstan. After the wedding of lots of people, some I knew forever and some I’ve never met, I talked to this couple more in the hour we were visiting than the whole day event.
Went to see kittens. They’re so tiny. We’re going to get two! 🐈🐈⬛
I found that actual budget can sync with my bank, or one at least, and so then I can keep categorised transactions with less fuss? Need to get the credit card on it, else they’ll still be work. I’m guessing once I’ve categorised a few then it’ll know what things are going forward.
I can’t decide about DayOne. I should do it, and I’m sure 10+ years future me will appreciate it, but is it something I should skip? I take photos still at events, which act as a memory. Although fewer than I used to.
Well I did this weekend. Just short and maybe a picture. Didn’t take that long, as it never does. I think anything I add is better than nothing so I should just try.