Sunday, 22nd December, 2024

I’ve gone for a simple landing page on my main domain now, with a one liner bio, tiny picture and some links. I’ve left the old quarto blog online at the blog subdomain, I’ll think about that later. I want to add a few pages or maybe just a link to one page with some other info on it - maybe my book list and … I dunno. Don’t really want to do a /now and /uses as it’s things to look after. Although they can be brief. Right now it’s just html but I think I’ll convert it to jekyll, so at least updating the book list is just markdown edits, and github pages builds it natively.

Migrating the blog was much more work, with feature images, tags etc. and I felt I was getting sucked into looking at themes and back in that old rut of never liking anything but not wanting to start my own as it felt overwhelming.

I’m thinking of adding “articles” on this site, which are longer blog posts that I write (rarely).

I worry about people being able to find things in my site and the occasional article gets lost in the daily noise. But why do I worry? No one is looking. If I want something, I’ll just search my local files. Or maybe I can work on a better search feature.

For example, I should write a blog post about the new keyboard I bought. And I did…just within yesterday’s writing. You know what…I should add it to the wiki. It’s ideal for it. In fact, anything I think is worthy of being found again, should be added to the wiki and then doesn’t “get lost”.

Really book lists and /now and /etc. should all be in the wiki.

Do I take the M2 on our Christmas trip? I mostly can’t be bothered…😕 but when else would I take film photos? Particularly as more family will be there than usual. Although we do have a family wedding in January and it would do then - aside from having to carry it around with me.

Trying to add a “simple” page to my main site. Thinking of one page which has dropdowns for sections. Getting this working has not been simple but perhaps I’m coming at it from the wrong direction. So I’m abandoning that idea and just making a link to a page that has a list of all pages…for now.

This one page has turned into an ordeal. Probably as my CSS is janky from the start. I’ve now got a bodge whereby I have front matter on the books page that adds extra CSS to that page when rendered. Otherwise the profile picture is lost above the screen, so I add in some padding. Absolutely terrible, but it’ll do. Perhaps I should copy the design from here, although feel that’s just as janky. Everytime I add something, I find 6 things to fix. In fact, Sudowoodoo is just going to link to my book list, until I have the energy to sort it out.

I replied to a thread on 32 bit cafe forum, with what I considered to be an answer to the OP, but then got shot down as someone didn’t agree with it, and argued a point which was exactly what the OP was complaining against. Anyway, I deleted my account as I don’t care and need fewer things.

Driving two cars tomorrow, including the EV. Which will be the first time I’ve charged it at a public station. I have a nice route planned but I am concerned if it’s full. I guess I’m going to a fast charger so people shouldn’t be there long…oh well, we’ll see. Was hoping to find a radio summit along the way, but don’t think that’s really possible. Especially as my car has all the christmas presents in it. Although my wife did concede to me bringing the radio stuff as others might want to go out. Probably they won’t want to do a Munro…

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