Thursday, 12th December, 2024
Had a meeting that went poorly yesterday. Probably could’ve been avoided but easy to look back in hindsight. It’s just annoying. I’m mostly annoyed because I think it makes me look like an idiot. This is the one of the few times I interact with these people and this is what they see! I suspect I’m exaggerating the situation and as soon as the meeting ended they forgot about it and didn’t think a second longer on it.
Have swapped my day off so going out hill walking today. Hopefully that’ll distract me and then I’ll get over it.
Next week is last week of work and school before the holidays! It’s crept up quickly. 🎅🏻
Had a glorious day out today. Was cold, circa freezing, but still and bright sunshine. Was a reasonable amount of snow on top of the hill. I took a shortcut/tried to join the river too soon and ended up trying to get down an almost vertical face. Holding onto grass a whilst edging along the face of the hill/cliff. I did stop and think of my wife saying “don’t do anything stupid”. There was only one bit were if I fell it would be a 5m drop and I might break something, but I got down okay 😅
Met another cyclist on the way back and had a nice chat with him about the hills and routes.
Had a long conversation with a German friend I’ve made via ham radio, do we speak over radio but predominantly via Signal, about what we’d do with our lives if we didn’t have to work to live. Like running a table top games store, or learning to be a mechanic for a NGO, or (and this was his suggestion) Or I give sex workers a ride to their work and help them storing their money at a safe place. It was quite a detailed conversation. But for now it’s stupid meetings, PowerPoint slides and spreadsheets.
I need to tidy the office. It’s a mess and making me feel flustered. Still want to purge stuff. Not sure what though. Need more books and pens and writing pads and not computers. <10seconds later> maybe I need to buy another used T490 as the T460 is getting a bit tired. Also there are two computers in the garage literally doing nothing.
It’s like my home radio setup. I go between wanting a tower and all the things to, have nothing, because I’d rather go out and use the radio in nature.
I’m building up to changing my main blog. Maybe tonight I’ll do something. But I have a big backlog of radio summit activations to write up too. And pointless YouTube videos to watch.
Find and submit top 3 books of the year.
I do make work for myself. On my radio blog I wanted to write up every summit I visit, but boy that’s work. Especially as now I’m 10 behind. I have written up reports on the SOTA forums, so I guess I can just copy that but it still takes time with all the pictures.
It would be amazing to do this. Although the amount of tools, space and knowledge you need is overwhelming.