Saturday, 21st September, 2024

I didn’t go on the hike this morning. I woke up at 6:15 and was too tired, probably best as need to pack up for our trip away this weekend.

Trying to figure out which books in the various series of Brandon Sanderson I’ve missed and need to catch up on. Mostly extensions to trilogies he’s written or extra books set in the same world. Problem is some of these books I read years ago and will I remember the world and what’s going on? Probably doesn’t matter too much, I’m sure I’ll remember the gist of it at least. Glad I’ve kept a track of which books I’ve read (although 2019 I seemed to have forgotten).

Can’t decide on this Garmin watch…it’s a good deal but do I need it…? (No but that’s not the issue). Will I use it? I’ll probably use it because I have it.

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