Friday, 6th September, 2024

Went to Trespass after work to look for some boots. They had lots of backpacks and other clothes I thought about buying but not quite sure what I want. I want to be able to go out in the winter period as you get bonus points but not sure how well I’ll be prepared.

Tried on several pairs of boots and didn’t really know what I wanted. Bought some with nice big tread, seemed useful for boggy places which, if it’s been raining, most place round here can be quite boggy.

I don’t know if I should try and go out again this weekend but feel bad that I take off by myself for half the day. Wife and daughter are away tomorrow at a swimming competition. Might take the others up a small hill that I want to cross off the list. If I could take someone with me then I wouldn’t feel too bad but I’d like to do some higher hills and they’re probably too much for them. The boys have a party in the afternoon so that helps, but I like to go in the morning when it’s wasted time. Oh I don’t know.

Annoyingly I had to work today and it’s beautiful sun. Another guy went up a high peak and the views were spectacular. I’ve done that hill and the views were good even when overcast.

Solar install has started. Scaffolding went up today, panels should go on Monday. Need to refresh my home assistant setup for solar to do things…which I’ve forgotten what they were going to be. I’ll enjoy generating our own power but the excitement of it has worn off as it’s been ages since we first started looking into it. What with summer holidays and power company process etc. I’m sure once I see them on the roof and the boxes in the garage I’ll be excited again.

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