Wednesday, 4th September, 2024

Was off today, instead of my usual Friday, as there are meetings at work I can’t skip or change. Went up three hills with radio and tried out my new homemade yagi antenna - all worked well which was nice. Tired now after all that walking! Also think my shoes are done for as they were leaking on the first hill and my feet were sodden for the whole day. They were okay but I wonder if washing them didn’t help, or maybe as they were still damp this morning from drying (after washing) that that let the water come in easier? It was pretty muddy and wet with long grass and things so maybe shouldn’t be unexpected. I need to get some proper boots and maybe gaiters too.

I had thought up a big rant I was going to write about politics and Brexit and how stupid people were to vote for it, because the country is collapsing into nothingness and taxing everyone all the way to the bottom. Plus make large sweeping generalisations about the racist generation who benefited from no means tested benefits from the government, had all the house price rises, and so on, who now complain over losing a heating allowance when they most probably life in a huge drafty house they had when they had kids at home. If they sold it and moved to somewhere right sized, their heating bill would be considerably lower, and probably they’d have several 100,000s of pounds extra. But it’s too late for all that.

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