Monday, 2nd September, 2024

Wrote up my big radio hike today, which was good. Reminds me I need to upload my log into my logbook. It’s a web based logbook which is fine but there are lots of things I don’t like. Someone made a fork of it, I forget who and what they called it, hopefully I wrote that in the wiki, and I’ve been wondering about changing to it. It’s slightly annoying I have to make a new station location for each summit I do. Not sure why I can’t just have callsign and callsign/P for portable operations.

It’s much better than some of the programs people use. Mostly as lots of hams have been doing radio for decades, when the first computer program came along they started using that. Now 20 years later they don’t want to move from it, but my goodness does it look horrendous. Like this. Called Logger32 as it’s 32 bit…A new version was released in 2021, so not bad. Anyway, if it works…

Updated my book list, also on this site, as I’d not done it in a while. I’ve been reading lots of short stories in a series by Lois McMaster Bujold. They’re easy reading before bed and it’s nice just continuing with the same characters. It’s like a TV series and each book is an episode. I’m on book 12 out of 13, so nearly finished. Then I’ll have to find something else to read. I’m torn between reading all the discworld again or something new. Next year will be 10 years since I finished the last one. So maybe 2025 is a good year to start them again, not sure I could read them all in one year, think there’s about 40 odd. Most aren’t that long, so feasible to do one a week, I’ll see. Really I should read them to the kids, although I think they’ll want to be a little older?

Maybe go for another hike on Wednesday, had to swap my day off, weather is so-so, end of the week looks much better but too many difficult things to move at work to go then. Chance of rain is low, each time I look it’s between 5-30% and moves around all day, so likely not know until I’m actually there. Also looking at getting a mountain bike as there are several summits which have a long run up and either makes a long boring walk, or a nice cycle. Probably don’t need anything special as I won’t use it that much, but used is always a pain. I do have the cycle2work scheme I can use to buy a new bike pre-tax…just then risk end up spending more!

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