Thursday, 22nd August, 2024

I could’ve sworn I’d already written here today. I can remember writing about how I went to bed super early last night as I was so tired, possibly from the anaesthetic at the dentists. However, every device that I would’ve written it on doesn’t have anything, so here I am writing it again?

I’m going to find it later and then it’ll somehow mess up the git repo and I’ll have to delete it from that device and start again.

Found Rooibos tea, somewhat randomly by picking it in the store as the packaging looked nice and I didn’t like the alternatives. I quite like it. People say you can have it with milk but that sounds horrendous. Although I suppose people say that about black tea which I drink with milk.

Had a scaffolder around today measuring up for the solar install. Good job I was working from home as no-one told me he was coming. Anyway, we were looking at the roof, and I’d said I could take down the antenna. He asked what it was about and away we went talking about it. Ended with him going to give me a price on a pole and some fittings for the side of the house. It’ll only be 21ft/6m tall but that’s probably good enough to start. Most I want is 10m, probably 9 to keep things below the ridge line of the house. So I could mount a 3m pole on the side of it to get a bit extra height. I say I could…not exactly sure how I’d do that other than having it laid down and then walking it up. Anyway figure that out later. So I ordered some fittings for it all, just to have in ready. Although still need bolts and a big enough drill bit to fit it.

Wanted to get some parts tomorrow to make a portable antenna, but doesn’t look like the local stores sell what I need. Also the annoying thing seems to be the reflector element needs to be slightly more than 1m, and obviously things are sold in 1m lengths. Now maybe I can buy a 2m length and cut it so it serves two elements.

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