Wednesday, 21st August, 2024

I wish I blogged more about the things I do, not necessarily because they’re so interesting but so I remember them. I just never get round to it…

I was trying to work out if I had time to do a mountain activiation this Friday. Youngest has started school and they just do half days for a bit, but I’d only have between about 9:15am and have to be back at the school by 12:55. I’ve done all the nearby ones already, so I don’t think there’s enough time, maybe I could do it but it doesn’t leave much contingency, so probably best I don’t. Also it’s meant to be raining on Friday so that’s that. I should do something constructive though…maybe literally and make an antenna…but that does mean having the parts ready, and so ordering stuff…unless I can find all the parts at the hardware store. Also, what are the parts?

Had a filling at the dentist today…not had one of those in over 20 years…but still terrible. No pain, just uncomfortable and the whole numb mouth thing. Plus the smell of drilling teeth. Brings to the front of my mind the thoughts of not eating sweets anymore.

I haven’t had a cup of tea since this morning, almost 10 hours ago due to the filling. This then reminds me of my thoughts to stop drinking tea, or specifically drinks with caffeine in them. My friend actually did this recently. He stopped coffee, then stopped black tea, just has decaff or herbal. Said it was two weeks of headaches and other issues until he finally broke through to the otherside. Funny he told me that as before the summer holidays I started to stop drinking tea at work. Mostly as it’s terrible. I replaced it with hot water. Still has a nice feeling to drink it. Anyway, I had weird dizziness and headaches, which at the time I didn’t consider was the lack of tea, but now that I look back and after speaking to my friend, is probably what it was. It was quite rough. I had to fidget, adjust my glasses, comb my hand through my hair or just generally do things to distract from the feeling of dizziness. I think I should’ve done it this past two weeks whilst being at home recovering. Now I tell myself there’s not a good time to start, so best not to.

I have a note pinned to my river in tiddlywiki about “less”. Because it’s there all the time I’ve stopped seeing it. Today I looked at it, and read it.

Stop buying the unnecessary. Toss half your stuff, learn contentedness. Reduce half again.

Yeh…I should do that. The problem is, that I then go “well to reduce to one thing, I’d best buy the best one thing” and somehow I’ve ended up buying things when I’m meant to be reducing. Radio hobby is a hard one as you end up with various bits and pieces of things that could be useful, or you start buying bits because of it. I saw some tent pegs and clips today that were £4, so I bought them. I don’t have a specific use but they seemed handy.

I should use the hackerspace more, as there are lots of consumable things there which are meant to be used. I could go there on Friday, but it’s 30 minute drive each way, I’d still get about 3.5 hours there though. We’ll see.

After thinking and talking about lock in and not being able to join signal etc. last night, I end up reading this long article about the state of the internet.

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