Saturday, 17th August, 2024

I’ve setup this ridiculously tall telescopic mast in the garden. It’s 12m, 2m taller than the house! I’m sure no one will notice 😅

Been faffing about with it and setup a vertical on it. I was going to use the latest radio I have, as it’s so convenient to connect to a computer but it doesn’t work with the remote tuner. The radio needs to put out about 3-5W constant signal for the tuner to adjust itself. However, the radio protects itself if it sees a bad antenna and reduces the power to 1W…and so I can’t match the antenna….I didn’t want to bring in the big radio as too much faff with cables and getting it out of where it is. So I’m back to using my very first HF radio.

Makes me think “why did I buy all those other radios” when this is the one I’m using. It’s a hassle to get digital modes going on it but I’ve managed.

Also that expensive flex was sold before I asked about it. Maybe a good thing, although maybe I should sell my other and get flex radio…think I’d like it more. There’s still the whole idea I had of the 705 being to fully remote setup.

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