Monday, 5th August, 2024

Started playing with Silverbullet last night. It’s nice, elements of tiddlywiki, Logseq, Obsidian all rolled together. Not sure I want to use it though…I like writing my notes in tiddlywiki, and the longer I use that the harder it is to leave. I also don’t really have a use case for silverbullet, unless it would be for blogging, and right now it’s not that convenient. Maybe once some plugins are done or perhaps I could investigate some static generator that sucks in the markdown files, but really that ends up being more hassle than it’s worth.

Was on pika page last night. Very easy to use, nice style, nice editor, and does everything I need… but not really sure a blog is worth $5/6 a month. Maybe if it was my only website but not as a 3rd blog. Does make me wonder if I could combine my blogs again, have one and just use tags to separate things. Bleurgh.

Now bearblog lets me have up to 10 blogs with a paid account. Also there’s blot…where everything is in my Dropbox account. But I still don’t want to pay for “just” a blog. I pay for VPS that does lots of things. I also think using a database for a blog is excessive. So what am I back to? (Aside from doing nothing).

I should find another game to play…completed that horror, escape from the Scottish rig. Game pass includes Diablo 4, which had poor reviews upon release, but I suspect they’ve fixed a lot of things. However playing it on the Xbox/TV was not enjoyable. Much better on a computer but a chair still isn’t comfy. I like the story driven, explore, not too much shooting accuracy games. I actually have the new Zelda on Switch that I’ve not played.

I spent a bunch of time faffing about with ikiwiki. I do like it and tried to sort out the CSS with the default layout. It’s reasonable but not sure I can be bothered with it still. I want to add a navbar but it’s not straigh forward. The default is a sidebar that can show on the main page or all pages, but would need some CSS to sort it out so it doesn’t look terrible. I did find someone else’s CSS that made it look reasonable, and with some tweaking could be nice.

I’m actually leaning back towards tiddlywiki now…

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