Saturday, 13th July, 2024

There’s some hardware thing I thought about today which for the life of me I cannot find any reference to. The problem is I can’t remember anything about it, other than I heard about it on a podcast (probably know which one but also not sure), sometime last summer, and they’re sold in the U.K. and you can get various add-ons. I can’t find it in the wiki, I may have written about it here, and I probably shared it with friends, but given I don’t remember anything about it, I can’t find it.

I’m sure I’ll eventually find it and then go “oh yeah that.” But not buy anything.

I searched for “https” across several chats and this blog looking for clues but found none. Did think it would be good to generate a list of urls I’ve posted on this site with a script, as I found (again) a few other interesting websites I’d linked to.

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