Thursday, 11th July, 2024

Now that I’m on holiday and using my camera for the first time in ages, I’m thinking that a X100x series camera is really my ideal camera. I like having the options of various lenses with my X-E4, but recently I’ve not used any other than the 35mm f/1.4. I did use the 18-55 recently to take a video, but it still made noises, then I just resort to my iPhone…

Randomly, I then started looking at D750 and lenses. They’re so cheap these days. No one wants them. I’d probably never use it so don’t bother…

Maybe once I move away from my ham radio obsession, I might come back to photography. Although I am enjoying the hill walking/radio combo. Admittedly I sometimes can’t be bothered to set up the radio once I’m at the top. This is where I wish there was more activity on 2m/70cm (ie handhelds) as then you just pull out the walkie-talkie looking radio can see who’s there. I can sometimes activate a summit with it after WhatsApp-ing the locals, or speaking to the same person on 2m and 70cm. Although once I setup HF radio it’s fun to be chased.

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