Tuesday, 21st November, 2023
My Lightroom subscription expired today. I bought it one year ago in the BF sale where it was 50% off. It’s not on sale right now, maybe this Friday or Monday it might be. However, I’m not sure if I want to renew it. I don’t really use it. I’ve been notionally backing up my photos to it and making the occasional edit but no way does that warrant it.
I think I’d much rather pay for 2 TB of iCloud and have all my photos in Photos.app. This evening the kids were looking at photos and videos on the AppleTV and enjoying old moments. That made me compare the options and I realised that no-one looks at the photos when they’re in Lightroom. Even when my wife uses the computer to make photo gifts, she just looks through the folders. When I did show her everything was in Lightroom and could search by person, it was then another step of exporting the photo so it could be uploaded to the album making site. “Yeh, I’ll just look through the folders”.
So do I get iCloud and then how am I uploading all my photos to it? I’ve tried using the website, icloud.com, to upload but last time I did it seems to miss or skip a few photos at a time and it’s not obvious what is missing. So that’s a chore. I think I could use my iPad, and somehow hope that it figures out the offloading as I don’t have enough space on my iPad for all the photos.
OR….I get a mac…I had a bid on a 12” MacBook from 2018 on eBay but I retracted it today. Whilst it might be a fun toy, it’s not really that useful. I’m better off getting a Mac mini and then having it hooked up to my main monitor or just on the network and connect to it via vnc.
But is this just some subliminal self-justification to buy a mac? So what if it is 😅
I have a big rant about Microsoft reward points and how I can’t redeem them and it’s Black Friday sales. But I’m too tired to write it all out.
Got the second typewriter, which is the actual one for my sister. It’s in lovely condition, pretty much all works. Needs a little clean up and I’ll replace the ribbons and it’ll be like new.
Still have one more typewriter to arrive 🤣 That one does need more work. Think it has a foot missing and other issues, but it was cheap compared to other listings of the same model. Also looks really nice when cleaned up, at least it did on some YouTube videos I watched of it. So I’ll add that to my list of things to do…