Friday, 17th November, 2023
Ended up going to bed, lying and thinking about work things, then getting up and writing on my iPad and emailing it off at midnight. Helped but I still then couldn’t get to sleep and so read for ages.
Had all the kids today as schools are off for in service day. We had a busy afternoon and now everyone feels tired. We didn’t do all the things on the list, which I suspect will be the first things asked about…
Remarkable has a sale and as a “Connect subscriber” (which I’m not but whatever), I get an extra £20 off BF sales. Wow, £477 for a tablet, pencil and cover. Close that tab.
I see Kinopio has an iOS app. Part of me wants to make myself use this, just for when others look over my shoulder and go “wtf is going on”.
Could also accomplish that with vim/emacs/anything in the terminal.
But I could be learning Tinderbox…although being on the web is nice for kinopio.