Wednesday, 4th October, 2023
I need to go to bed earlier. Think every night this week I’ve gone to bed after 11pm, and now I’m feeling it. Last night was made even worse by the fact I was trying to finish my book. However I underestimated the amount I have left and even after 2 hours of reading (now it’s 1am) I’m still at 95%. It’s the last book in the this trilogy, which is the third trilogy so far. So the end of an epic adventure in the Realm of the Enderlings, although I still have 7 books left!
Being so tired means I can’t do anything this evening. Last night was productive, I fixed the baby play crib with some skirting off cuts. First time using my new jigsaw, which was fun.
I bought a handheld antenna from a guy online. It arrived today and it’s not quite what he made it out to be. I don’t think he deliberately mislead me, he probably just didn’t think there was much difference between what I was looking for and what he sent. It’s fine, it’s still a good price for what it is, but means I’ve got more things to make/buy before I can use it. So it won’t be this weekend I have a go with FM satellites.
Maybe I’ll watch the rest of Foundation series tonight.
I need to get my antenna hooked up in the new shack. Even though I don’t feel like talking to someone tonight, I could’ve been doing some digital modes and seeing who’s online and where I can get to.
Nearly bought a random film camera last night, but then I remembered I have a film camera, a very nice one, that I should just use rather than buying another.