Sunday, 18th June, 2023
Got the new vertical antenna setup, put it on top of the pole supporting the wire antenna. It’s not truely vertical and that makes it more obvious to everyone. I was in a bit of a rush trying to do it before we had the school fair. Was a bit of a hassle, sort of job you want three hands or another pair. I just had the kids complaining.
I used the nanovna to tune it on 6m. I’d watched a video but then when I came to use it I didn’t know what I was doing. So watched another one whilst up in the air. It didn’t help I hadn’t really looked up where in the band I’m likely to be working and I don’t think I made it long enough for the lower end of the band. It still worked but if I’m taking it down again to sort out then I should adjust it again.
Although that puts me off from touching it.
Right now it’s the middle of the 24 hours 50 MHz trophy contest. I made 4 contacts last night and that’ll do me - I don’t have time for it anyway. Did get Portugal and Spain which I didn’t expect with the vertical.
The guy I visited last week is off up a mountain with his portable mast, 7 element yagi and 400W power, camping for the weekend to do the contest. His signal was the one I found first and help validate mine works. I’d occasionally tune in to hear him, and last I did before switching back to my HF antenna, he was on 95.
I did get Isreal in 15m last night. First time for that country and possibly first voice contact in 15m.
Heard the Seychelles on 20m but it’s impossible to get through. Europeans with their 1.2 kW legal setups blasting through. I tried calling a few times but I don’t know why I bother.
I got my certificate in the post on Friday, which shows they processed my exam on Wednesday, yet the ofcom licensing website still doesn’t know I’ve passed.
I started looking at 50 MHz yagis, as they’re small enough I could have one up at home. Although I think peak propagation time is May, June and July, so maybe wait a year. Also I should stop rushing to buy more things!