Thursday, 1st December, 2022

It’s gone. At the post office waiting for Royal Mail to come off strike and pick it up tomorrow. There’s a tiny nagging feeling that the camera store is going to somehow reject my return. They’re not Amazon who’ll basically take anything, but I packed it up exactly how it came, and it’s identical to as I received it.

I don’t feel sad or happy about it specifically, just the same. I guess I never had it for that long.


Off work today…what should I do…

I actually did quite a few chores and a little christmas prep. So now I get to sit on the computer and waste the rest of the afternoon until it’s my daughter’s birthday tea.

Maybe as it’s the 1st of December and 2023 is about here, and I’ve been thinking of New Year’s resolutions and etc. but I am wondering about this article.

I’ve long been a fan of dwarf fortress. Next week a new version is being released on Steam. I’ll probably buy it to support the developer who’s been working on this for years and years. I just installed the free version again, can’t remember anything but I so want to dive into this and emerge in about 3 months time.

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