Sunday, 30th October, 2022
Oh clocks going back. Great if you don’t have young kids.
Went to bed thinking the M-P 240 is the right model for me. And now that I’ve slept on it? Oh I don’t know. 🤷
I installed the 4 TB SSD into the new server. But I’m still wondering how I’m setting everything up. Am I really getting rid of the 4x 4TB drives? I have trimmed data down a lot but is it not handy having the storage for…something. I had thought of putting it into a low powered NAS device for periodic turning on a backup stuff up. Mostly so that it was easy and I didn’t have to think about it, but all those things (synology, asusstor, etc.) are really expensive. Perhaps something with TrueNAS installed. Of course I have a computer which everything is already in! I think I’m struggling as the current server is just fine, and why I have bought all these things? 🙄
Probably I just need to start setting up the services I want and migrate the plex server. Then reinstall OS on the old server, TrueNAS is appealing as keeps ZFS easy. Then maybe look at how much I could get for selling mine and maybe trying to get a HP microserver or something, not really necessary but I’ll have a look.
I wonder if you can have plex libraries installed on other computers and then rig up something to turn them on on demand.
It does seem dumb constraining myself. Ugh. The new server does have a better CPU, DDR4 ram, and NVME so there’s that.
I trimmed down those ~400 photos to about 165 last night. Still seems excessive. Do I pick my favourite 38 and keep those?
I started on the new server. Setup home assistant. It detected everything which was nice. But I’m left feeling “now what?” with it. I want to log long term house temperatures so I think I have to setup an external database to do so. I actually like how it detected the HP Tango and now tells me the ink in percentage.
I realise I have documents and ebooks all over the place. Movies, home videos and photos are well organised but smaller files aren’t. I need to sort it all out, and make sure it’s properly replicated to the various backup locations. This is somewhat tricky over multiple devices and operating systems. In theory I should use something like Nextcloud and then mount that everywhere and then have Linux do the backup. But last time I tired nextcloud it was fine until I tried upgrading then it broke and I couldn’t be bothered to figure out why. It also does everything and I don’t really need it to.
I also realised that iCloud on Windows has improved quite a bit. This is encouraging me to go back to my 2 TB subscription and then keep everything on it. I wonder if someone has made an iCloud Linux interface….to the google/GitHub. Because if so that would make synchronising it easier. There is syncthing too, in fact lots of programs. The issue is deciding where and what structure.
I also remembered my thought about separating the services machine from the storage machine. Probably moot as all my computers are likely powerful enough to last forever but in theory the services machine might want upgrading sooner to run …stuff?… vs just file sharing. I think “low powered” CPUs can do a lot these days.
It has given me a chance to see what’s going on with Docker-compose, although I’m still not reading all the docs, and perhaps some better design practices. Going to split my docker-compose.yml into multiple ones for different purposes so that they’re easier to maintain.