Friday, 21st October, 2022
Been having lots of fun with the M2 and 50mm. It’s a nice focal length for being outside. Baby bear’s focal length (not too wide, not too narrow…). Interested to see how the pictures come out. Got 3 rolls of B&W so far to develop myself and two colour which I’ll post off. Might do another one tomorrow. B&W at 400 would mean I can double up in the dev tank.
My Essentials film holder still hasn’t shipped. Can’t remember when I ordered it but when I emailed him on the 5th Oct he said hopefully next week…
Back on the M10 wagon again. Saw a good deal on one, would be by far the cheapest I’ve seen all year. I don’t look every day but a minimum of once a week I’ll look at prices. Not only is it a good deal, it’s also in excellent condition. Generally the cheaper ones before have “signs of use”. It is a silver one, and I had originally decided to get black. However, after visiting the Leica store, I quite like the silver one. Plus it sort of matches the M2. What would match the M2 more? The M10-P of course. However, that’s £1k+ more 😬. Doesn’t seem worth the money (although I do like level gauges) for most aesthetics. Yet I do think the red dot looks a bit out of place. There’s always the black dot or tape or sticker or something to convert/cover it.
I tell myself that the M10 is perfectly fine (more than fine) and maybe later I can get a P or R or something. Actually maybe M10M!
If you need me I’ll be on page 32 of “P or not to P” on a dozen forums. I’ll then decide and the bargain M10 will have sold.