Friday, 14th October, 2022

Blurb have a 50% sale on right now (code: GETREADY5025) so ordered the big family photo album. £63 inc. shipping for 210 pages, hardback 20”x20” book seems pretty good value to me. Look forward to seeing that.

Should I go all film for this holiday trip? Would be quite fun, and stops me ending up with hundreds of photos to go through. The X-E4 plus a lens isn’t that big, and seems silly not to bring it. Perhaps just the 35mm? Although it’s the chunkiest…or the 18 with it…or….27…or…🙄

I’m feeling overwhelmed by having too many things at the moment. I want one thing of each, not multiple. But sometimes that’s hard. I was looking at more smart IoT junk today. Screens and little chips and random stuff. I love the idea of it but never follow through on anything. I have a 7 colour e-ink display sat in front of me. I managed to change the stock image it shows but never did anything else with it. I bought a load of thermometers to measure temperatures around the house. I’m part way through setting it up on the computer as I want to log longer term data, see how the house changes with the outside weather, but now I’ve got two servers and hard drive mis-alignment, and I’m not really sure what to do about it. Buy my way out of the problem? Always seems like the solution but then later I regret getting something else. I’m already doing it in my head. 💭I should get rid of all my computers and peripheralsand just have an iMac.💭 No, I don’t need to buy ANOTHER computer! What I need to do is spend less time on a computer. Maybe it’s good we’re going away for a bit. Should I not bring my iPad? But I want to write in DayOne…I’ll bring it.

I made a random mechanical keyboard a while ago. One key still needs resoldering to fix, but I’M NEVER GOING TO USE IT! Was fun to make. Maybe I should just fix that final key, then sell it.

Maybe I’m just like this as the kids have been in the office drawing and doing things and so there’s clutter everywhere.

I should focus on my server admin todos, and move closer to sorting it all out.

Or go to bed earlier.

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