Thursday, 29th September, 2022
Still debating if getting a dedicated 35mm scanner would be better than DSLR/mirrorless scanning. I think DSLR scanning is slow to setup but once it is you can zip through the film roll taking photos. Then maybe slow to convert one picture but apply it to them all. Compared to the dedicated where it’s fast to begin but 3-5 minutes per frame to scan and save.
I just worry it ties me to keeping a macro lens and camera around, although I’ve already got them so shut up and get on with it. Plus I still think that maybe I’ll shoot 120 or 4x5 again, even though the next moment I just want to stick to 35mm to save decisions.
I want to build an all SSD server, so I should just do that. It’s never going to be as economic on a £/TB basis as spinning hard drives and no amount of debating or spreadsheeting is going to change that.
Out for a work dinner tonight - I’ll like it when I’m there but beforehand I always wonder about skipping it so I can stay at home and waste another evening on the internet.
Yep, I had a great time. It was an engineering society dinner, which ends up being a real cross section of people. I like hanging around with the 50+ year olds as they always have great stories from the good old days. Plus they’re all VPs etc. and buy the drinks.
There was this keen university kid, who was really nice, and I remember being that keen. Anyway, he asked for any advice. We all said in unison - “don’t rush to get a job”. I’m sure people told me that when I was at university, but I really wanted money and the expectation was that you got a job. But now I know, and now I remember fondly the days of university where all you had to do was learn - learn your subject and learn your life. But now I’m burdened with responsibilities. Although I couldn’t go back now, yes it was great but I’m beyond undergraduate life.
Too many packages have been arriving at home and I’m being (probably rightly) accused of buying too much crap. Time to deliver to the offce 😅
I found an old wiki on my computer and there was an entry from 2017 where I’d short listed various film cameras that I could get. Wish I’d bought them all back then. I want a M10 for the ease of digital but all I look at are film bodies.