Monday, 8th August, 2022

I try and do too many things, and then waste time on pointless stuff. I also waste my life at work, but until I find a pile of money, I’m not sure I have a choice right now. I used to be so keen at work, but recently I’ve been questioning the point of my job. What impact am I having? It’s so abstract. I shouldn’t complain.

Nearly bought a X-E4, with the 27mm pancake - and the 16mm f/2.8 and 35mm f/1.4 as those were “ideal lenses” for the camera. The X-E4 is pretty much what I’m looking for, without excess stuff I don’t care about. So why didn’t I buy it? Well, I don’t really need it. I get a bit carried away with this sort of thing and I convince myself I absolutely need things, I then buy them and later realise I don’t need them. I’ll then go full minimisalist and wish I owned nothing, or just a single item.

The X-E4 is certainly a lot cheaper than the Leica, and that’s before even looking at used ones (which I keep meaning to do, just to see how much they go for).

Maybe I should try and rekindle my desire for home development. Last time it just felt like a chore.

Used my simplenotes app personal journal today. It’s quite nice just to dip into when I need.

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