Saturday, 6th August, 2022
I keep having the most ridiculous thought. So I’m excited about going to the Leica store in London at the end of the month and I start thinking “maybe I should just get a M11 when I’m there.” 🤯
It would buy a M10 and probably a 35 AND 50 Lux for the same price. It’s just I know I’ll handle a M10, really like it and want to get it. Except the Leica store has terrible used prices, so I won’t.
Today I’ve remembered about Tumblr. I like it. Probably resurrect my 10+ old blog on it. I thought about making it a photography or camera specific one but I’d probably get bored of that. Whereas a general everything one means it can follow with my whims. It might be too much having so many sites catering to my whims but there we go.
Several times I’ve remembered I bought a year of skoove app piano tutorial thing about 6 weeks ago and I’ve yet to even open it! Maybe the summer holidays wasn’t the best time but it was a 50% off sale.
Least it’s better (and cheaper) than Tinderbox…don’t even own a mac anymore 🙄 it’s the classic example of me thinking it would solve all my problems, I’d work myself up into believing it would be a great purchase, and then buying it (at least in a sale), only to then find out it’s not what I really want and then regret it. (I just hope the rower doesn’t also fall into that same category!)
In all seriousness, I don’t think it will. I liked the bike trainer but I hated paying for Zwift, as I didn’t care about most of it. Concept2, on the other hand, have lots of free resources to keep it interesting. Even just the daily workout they send out/include in the free app, which you can then see how you do vs. everyone else who did it that day. But maybe this is all my convincing myself it was the right thing to do.
I didn’t take the M2 with me today when we went down to the river together. I couldn’t be bothered with film and manual focus. Took the Fuji. Probably all very boring shots but a record of the occasion…but with all the cousins there were too many to watch that I didn’t have time for manual photography. Although would’ve been good to take a photo of the grumpy old game keeper who told us off for throwing stones and “upsetting the fish”.