Monday, 20th June, 2022
I took a video with my camera of my daughter’s drama class over the weekend and finally got round to looking at it last night. After I’d installed the new PCI-e to USB card with front header and now the front USB ports work so it makes it easy to download from my SD card…anyway… the picture turned out reasonably well and the sound also. The only thing was the exposure. I’m going to see if I can correct it, but I think the highlights are well and truly blown so not sure I can get any detail back.
The convenience of a habit tracking app is that my phone is always with me. My notebook, however, rarely is. I suppose I shouldn’t fret about it and just go with the flow. The main point is that I do and reinforce the habits I want to build, not stress and faff over not ticking a box in a notebook. I not going to carry a notebook (and pen) with me at all times. I’m trying to track the time I go to bed, and encourage not being too late. This one is harder as I have neither phone nor notebook, but perhaps I should be recording when I go upstairs as that’s basically the same.
If I really want the paper grid view of Xs then I can always transcribe the digital habits into the tracker.
Went on a big eBay listing spree last night. Clear out some junk that I have which I never use. Old SSDs, keyboards, controllers, all sorts of bits and bobs. Nothing on its own is worth that much but all together it’s not insignificant. Of course, it has to sell, but surely at some price everything sells. The only hassle is posting it all. I still have the Apple monitor that I don’t really need, but that’s a big hassle to ship. Mostly as I never get a box big enough. I suppose I could try selling locally.
Trying out Simplenote for my personal notes. It does everything I need. I’m just paralysed by trying to define a process and file names and if I should use tags, and what should those tags be, etc. Just write stuff down 😵
Blog posts look much nicer with photos in them.
Ordered 12 months of Skoove for the piano. All these app courses have downsides but the progression aspect of it will keep me going. Seemed reasonable value anyway at £50 for the year. The good thing is I already spent the $600 back in 2014 to buy the piano. Plus I sold about £50 worth of stuff on ebay after fees and postage, so that works out nicely.