Thursday, 5th May, 2022

Nanogallery looks nice, but I couldn’t be bothered to figure it out or build the HTML for it, and just threw the photos into my personal photos site. I might come back to it and make a python script to build a version. I’m surprised there wasn’t something on github already, or if there is I didn’t find it. I’ll add that to the projects list and then never do it. 👶

I do enjoy when my wife looks at my film photos and says with a surprised tone: “there are hardly any duff ones”. Thanks love 😅.

Editing film photos is just straightening a few that look bad, e.g. water or horizons, and cropping here and there. I never need or want to touch colour or even exposure. The only exception is where there’s a nice one and I tried to push my luck in the evening and it’s come out under exposed. However, one of those ones from this last batch was one of my wife’s favourites and I hadn’t even adjusted it.

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