Wednesday, 4th May, 2022

Didn’t make the new blog as I was speaking to my mum and dad last night. Probably been a month since I spoke to them on the phone/facetime. I’ve also just paid for my films being developed so I should be getting the photos soon. That means I’m now looking at static gallery generators to put something together for the wedding we were at. I’d prefer static so I can just throw it up online and forget about it. I’ve got my own static photo album site, which I do like, but that’s more for multiple albums, whereas I think I’m just going to want a single page. I took quite a few photos but I suspect there’ll be a limited number, plus people get bored about about 30 photos.

Some ones of potential interest:

Also on the wiki. (oh the pain of it being separated…)

Most interested in Nanogallery. Will have to investigate that more. Also has a php app that just makes the site, and an online builder.

I finished Picard last night. I understand a series ending such that there’ll be another one but I thought the gap left is too big. It was fine, nothing super-exciting to write home about and the story is only decent because of the characters and their history. If you swapped the characters to just random new people it would be pretty poor.

The 10 types of blog posts.

I like writing here (as in VS Code) at work because no-one knows what it is, and it’s definitely not a browser. Of course 100% of my time at work, I’m working. 😇

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