Tuesday, 30th November, 2021
I’m amazed how I was super motivated to do this site last night. I do like it, and I much prefer having a static generated site than anything else. Now it feels like a bit of a slog to do the remaining parts. I’m now in that 20% which is going to take 80% of the time! I should make a list of the things I want to complete or figure out:
- Figure out all the CSS elements and how I add them. e.g. markdown, or includes, or get jekyll to render them
- That is quite a big one… 😅 Main ones:
- Full width images
- Aside images
- Asides
- Description lists
- Quotes
- Code and syntax highlighting
- Install syntax highlighting - either jeykll or js plugins
- Add comments (maybe use utterances on github?) and hide them with
section - Change header links on main page. Either remove underline or some fancy
thing. - Maybe a gallery plugin like fotorama.io
- Image zoom plugin
- favicon etc. plus
things for it all.
Those are probably the essentials or the first round to sort out. Other stuff I’m thinking of:
- Adding content
- Do I keep using journal.txt? It's simple to enter stuff and I don't have to remember anything. I've hacked the page titles so I ignore them. If I want to do anything further then might need to go. VS Code and Prose.io are the obvious other things to investigate, with plugins/configs etc.
Random stuff:
- General style tweaks
- th/st in dates
- tags for daily posts?
- Collection for blog posts
- ?