Thursday, 18th July, 2024
I think I’m working myself towards combining journal entries, like this, and posts into a single site. But it’s very pendulonic. I made that word up, meaning to be like a pendulum.
I also think about having various categories, like journal, projects, writings, etc. but I think that makes it harder. Maybe all in as just “posts” and then either categorises or tags to sort it. Then I’m back to the issue of a few posts “disappearing” in the noise of ideal chatter. Although if I tag stuff I can make a page of those tags etc. Feel like I’m going to recreate Jack’s Tinderbox site.
I’d recently thought about using Discourses for a blog. I like the interface. However, I found someone doing that and the site looked…barren. It’s meant to be a forum with people discoursing, so one person is a bit meh.
We went to a local lake today to go swimming. It’s fun but I’m always nervous about the water quality. Perhaps slightly hypochondriac…anyway today a couple of French guys gave me a child’s fishing net and asked if I’d mind fishing out the poo from the water. We’d seen it (swam by it) and joked about it and surely it can’t be but no. It was. 💩
I could’ve sworn there was a metronome emoji. I wanted to go signify the swinging of decisions. 🔙🕧🔁
When did this emoji appear! 📇 roller contacts list?
Maybe I should do something constructive and read a book. Just started the third book in the series (don’t know the series name) but it’s called Children of Memory. Sci-fi. Been reading quite a few fantasy books so want a change and I found the third one recently so seemed ideal.