Tuesday, 16th July, 2024
Somehow I ended up browsing Reddit for an hour on bed last night. I never do this. The phone never comes to the bedroom at home, and charges downstairs with all the other devices. I got sucked into looking at sites in the 1MB and then 1kB clubs, which just led to more and more random websites. Then I thought I’d top it off with Reddit. Ugh. For the past two days I’ve had about 1.5 hours left of my book…but have I read any.
Whilst we’re away I’m looking at our electricity usage. It seems to go between 155W and 255W regularly, maybe every 30 minutes. I really want to know what that is. I have a few smart plugs recording the main rooms, like TV and boxes in lounge, computer in office, server, etc. but they don’t show anything. Trying to think what else could’ve been left on or doing this. The cycling nature is curious, it’s not like we left something on, it turns on and off. Makes me think of the thermostat turning on and off to maintain a temperature. However that uses 1kW+, so it’s not that.
Could it be the fridge or freezer? I’m sure I would’ve noticed this before. Since getting the new server I didn’t bother migrating my data as it was too much hassle and I didn’t really care but now I wonder.
Bought one year of Lightroom 1TB from Amazon for £60 in the prime day sale. I’ve bought it before and it’s good value. Each time it expires I convince myself I don’t need it, but don’t have something else. Probably there are several open source options I could look into. (But don’t).
Still want to get all my good photos into Apple Photos for the convenience of it, plus the resurfacing of them.
Maybe after this one year of Lightroom I’ll buy a M4 Mac Mini and 2TB of iCloud 🤪
I’m so pleased ikiwiki has a new maintainer. Jon has been an avid user for years. I emailed him way back when I used ikiwiki for my main site and asked him lots of questions. I’ve been thinking about moving my blog to something else and I think ikiwiki might be it.
I enjoy this semi-anonymous journal style blogging. I could write in a private journal which no one ever sees, but somehow the fact that someone might read it makes it more worthwhile, and gives me an incentive. Plus I like reviewing it myself and reading a website seems to be the only way I can read it.
The only thing is that as it’s not completely anonymous I can’t write everything in it. Maybe that’s a good thing and maybe I should never do that. But it would be good to talk about some things like money, or work. Perhaps those things would be better on some service, like bearblog, where I just make an account with some random email and just write in there.
I’ve seen some people publicly write these things on their full named blog. Exactly what they earn and spend money on. Not sure I’m ready for that yet. Probably because it’s embarrassing to see what I actually spend my money on!
I like this site’s style and am thinking of moving it to my main blog. Not sure if I’ll move journal posts there (this again). But I couldn’t sustain two journal like websites (if I make a new one). Now if I wrote more blog posts that might not be an issue if my journal “disappeared” but I seem only to be able to write 4,000 word blog posts or nothing.
I have decided I’m not combining my radio blog into my main one. Even though it would give it more content and activity, I think it’s an enough of a domain fo warrant its own site. Which I’m thinking ikiwiki is ideal for that site. Even found an ancient Wordpress to Ikiwiki converter on github! Although it’s just Wordpress to markdown.
I might retire the fondoftea domain as well. I’m torn but it’s probably redundant, or I’ll get something new anyway, one of these silly TLDs, like .fish, although there’s no .tea. Probably it’ll be tea related if I do find something.
🚨OR ☣️
I keep this domain and site and make it my main site with the other domain just as a landing page. And have posts and journals together. Or apart or not or shut up already.