Wednesday, 10th July, 2024
I like this guy’s blog. Reminds me of Dave Winer’s old old blog design. I’ve only read a small amount of it so far and I found it as he’s the creator of Aurora, a simple python SSG. It reminds me of Jekyll (which powers this site) in that it’s simple, does the job but still quite capable if you want. I want to make a site with it…maybe not convert this one as if it’s not broke don’t fix it…👀 but maybe the radio blog? I’m not sure. I can imagine being able to do something fun with my radio logs with the static blog, e.g. generate a map or something. I’m still debating if a tiddlywiki might be best though…ugh I dunno.
Off on holidays shortly so that’ll be some time away from the computer to think about things…possibly too much time thinking about things. Not taking a computer, just iPad and phone….plus the kids will command the iPad so I should just read my book and enjoy the peace.
Everytime I try and log into my apple account online it says my account is locked and I have to go through various steps to unlock it. It’s annoying but should I be concerned…?